Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer's Bounty -- a bumper crop of goodness

Chef John keeps things fresh by canning today's harvest for tomorrow's table

This summer has had an abundance of "goodies" from our garden and from our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program through Greene's Country Store in Lake St. Louis.  Our herb garden has really loved the weather, and all of our varieties of basil have been "basking in the sun" prior to settling in a delightful morning breakfast recipe.

Our tomato plants have become gargantuan towers, overflowing with "just-about-ripe" beauties.  We've never met a tomato we didn't like :-)

Chef John has been busy taking items from our CSA as well as the garden and canning them so that our guests can enjoy this goodness all year long.

We're looking forward to trying all of the varieties of foods he has canned so far!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's Friday Night at the Movies July 11

The Yellow Farmhouse Winery across the street is featuring "Best In Show" this Friday night, July 11. 

Doors open at 6:30, movie at dusk.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Harvest time for peppers!

Happy Independence Day!

Today we went out to check on the garden as we said goodbye to the guests. Jeff looked down to find out first batch of bell peppers and later a huge amount of hot peppers. We'll be using them in upcoming breakfasts, salsa and canning.

Thankfully the rain barrel with soaker hose has been doing it's job :-)