Monday, May 5, 2014

Yum..... Morels.... Why can't you stay around longer??

You've gotta love Missouri Morel Mushrooms!

So Nick went out hunting for Morels.  We were lucky this year, finding them (WAIT!  We can't really give away our secret Morel location stash, can we??!! Ha!) 

He came back with a nice find of them, so Chef John decided to create a special breakfast entrée with Missouri Morel Mushrooms and asparagus (among other items).  Talk about delicious!!!

What's on tap for breakfast?
Missouri Morels

Missouri Spring Breakfast

Chef John created a dish that was indescribably delicious, with hot, warm, and cold items along with soft, crunchy, and variety of texture and color.  It's a shame that Missouri Morel season doesn't last longer.  With today's 88 degree temperatures, I fear we have said goodbye to  our tasty friends until next year.

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